This weekend’s VOA Radiogram will include an invitation to a meeting of shortwave DXers in Mexico. Most of it is in Spanish, so make sure you have the UTF-8 character set selected in Fldigi Configure > Colors & Fonts. After that, back to English for interesting science news from the VOA newsroom, accompanied by interesting images.
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 68, 19-20 July 2014 (MFSK32):
1:36 Program preview
2:43 Encuentro Nacional Diexista in Mexico, with image
7:19 Water wheel cleans Baltimore waterways, with image
14:04 Launch of cargo craft to the ISS, with image
19:27 Lab tests energy-saving technologies, with image
26:26 Closing announcements
Sotto: altre immagini ricevute co FLdigi 3.21.83
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